Click here to see Treeview Demo. Treeview is based on TafelTree javascript treeview control. It give you basic treeview feature and special features, like :
You can build treeview :
Once you have describes your structure of your treeview, you can open a tree node with AJAX. See baseUrl and AJAX section for more information.
This taglib describes root treeview. Nodes treeview are describes with jscontrols-ajax:treenode taglib.
<div id="viewTreeview" ></div> <jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view source="viewTreeview" baseUrl="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/" imgBase="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/img/treeview/" width="100%" height="auto" var="objDynamicTreeview" checkboxesThreeState="true" multiline="true" defaultImg="page.gif" defaultImgOpen="folderopen.gif" defaultImgClose="folder.gif" behaviourDrop="sibling" draggables="true" > <jscontrols-ajax:treenode id="treeNodeRoot" titleKey="treeview.treeview-view.root.title" /> .... </jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view>
Required parameters :
Parameter | Description | Required |
source | HTML Div treeview container. | yes |
imgBase | Image base directory (close/open node image,...) | yes |
defaultImg | Default Image to use when tree node has children. | yes |
defaultImgOpen | Default Image to use when tree node is opened. | yes |
defaultImgClose | Default Image to use when tree node is closed. | yes |
Treeview properties (Optional parameters) :
Parameter | Description | Required |
generate | True if treeview must be generated (by default true). | no |
generateBigTree | True if treeview must generate a big tree. | no |
var | Name of the JavaScript object treeview created. | no |
baseUrl | URL of server-side when a node must be open/edit/drop with AJAX,... | no |
width | Treeview width. | no |
height | Treeview height. | no |
bundleKey | Resource bundle key (eg : net.sourceforge.jscontrolstags.usecases.MyResourceBundle) used with titleKey. By default ApplicationResources Struts is used. | no |
localeKey | Locale key ("fr","en", ...) or key of Locale object, stored into request. | no |
Tree nodes properties (Optional parameters) available for all tree nodes of the treeview :
Parameter | Description | Required |
checkboxesThreeState | True if treeview is enable manage checkbox with three states. | no |
multiline | True if treeview is enable to manage multiline into text node. | no |
draggables | True if all nodes must be draggables. | no |
behaviourDrop | Behaviour drop : 'sibling' to insert node (with ALT) into another node, and 'child' to move the node. Default behaviour is 'child'. | no |
This taglib describes a node of treeview.
Treenode properties (Optional parameters) :
Parameter | Description | Required |
id | Tree node ID. | no |
title | Title of tree node. | no |
titleKey | Key title which is used to get label of title into Resources file (ApplicationResources or Resource Bundle). | no |
img | Image to use when tree node has children. If this parameter is not filled, tree node will use defaultImg parameter. | no |
imgopen | Image to use when tree node is opened. If this parameter is not filled, tree node will use defaultImgOpen parameter. | no |
imgclose | Image to use when tree node is closed. If this parameter is not filled, tree node will use defaultImgClose parameter. | no |
styleClass | CSS style class of tree node. | no |
draggable | True if node can be draggable. | no |
acceptdrop | True if node accept drop. | no |
editable | True if node can be editable. This parameter works with onedit function. It is used when you want disable/enable onedit function. | no |
last | True if node must be already the last node of treeview, even after a drag/drop of another node on this node. | no |
Treenode events (Optional parameters) on client side :
Parameter | Description | Required |
onclick | On click javascript function. | no |
ondrop | On drop javascript function. | no |
onmouseout | On mouse out javascript function. | no |
onmouseover | On mouse over javascript function. | no |
ondblclick | On double click javascript function. | no |
onedit | On edit javascript function (in order to edit a tree node). | no |
Treenode events (Optional parameters) on server side (AJAX) :
Parameter | Description | Required |
openAjax | True if tree node must be opened with AJAX. URL server side called is baseUrl filled into treeview root. | no |
editAjax | True if tree node must be editable with AJAX. URL server side called is baseUrl filled into treeview root. | no |
dropAjax | True if tree node must be droppable with AJAX. URL server side called is baseUrl filled into treeview root. | no |
Coming soon...
baseUrl is the url wich must return Array of JSON tree node, to open/edit/drop a tree node with AJAX on server side.
To help you, you can :
Methods to implements abstract class BaseTreeViewAction are :
public abstract void onOpenAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, TreeNode treeNodeRoot, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
public abstract String onEditAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, String oldValue, String newValue, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
public abstract String onDropAjax(String treeViewDragId, String treeViewDropId, String treeNodeDragId, String treeNodeDropId, String sibling, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
Example :
public class AjaxTreeviewAction extends BaseTreeViewAction { public void onOpenAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, TreeNode treeNodeRoot, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (treeNodeId.startsWith("ajaxNode")) { // Add treenode draggable TreeNode treeNodeDraggable = new TreeNode("treeNodeDraggable", "Tree Node Draggable"); treeNodeDraggable.setDraggable(Boolean.TRUE); treeNodeRoot.addTreeNode(treeNodeDraggable); // Add treenode editable TreeNode treeNodeEditable = new TreeNode("treeNodeDraggable", "Tree Node Editable"); treeNodeEditable.setEditable(Boolean.TRUE); treeNodeRoot.addTreeNode(treeNodeEditable); } else { // Manage other tree node id... } } public String onEditAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, String oldValue, String newValue, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Do something.... return newValue; } public String onDropAjax(String treeViewDragId, String treeViewDropId, String treeNodeDragId, String treeNodeDropId, String sibling, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Do something.... return null; } }
Don't forget to declare your Struts action in the struts-config, like this :
<action path="/ajaxtreeview" validate="false" scope="request" type="net.sourceforge.jscontrolstags.usecases.treeview.AjaxTreeviewAction" />
After in the taglib jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view, fill baseUrl, like this :
<jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view source="viewTreeview" baseUrl="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/" ....
Methods to implements abstract class BaseTreeViewServlet are :
public abstract void onOpenAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, TreeNode treeNodeRoot, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
public abstract String onEditAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, String oldValue, String newValue, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
public abstract String onDropAjax(String treeViewDragId, String treeViewDropId, String treeNodeDragId, String treeNodeDropId, String sibling, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);
Example :
public class AjaxTreeviewServlet extends BaseTreeViewServlet { public void onOpenAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, TreeNode treeNodeRoot, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (treeNodeId.startsWith("ajaxNode")) { // Add treenode draggable TreeNode treeNodeDraggable = new TreeNode("treeNodeDraggable", "Tree Node Draggable"); treeNodeDraggable.setDraggable(Boolean.TRUE); treeNodeRoot.addTreeNode(treeNodeDraggable); // Add treenode editable TreeNode treeNodeEditable = new TreeNode("treeNodeDraggable", "Tree Node Editable"); treeNodeEditable.setEditable(Boolean.TRUE); treeNodeRoot.addTreeNode(treeNodeEditable); } else { // Manage other tree node id... } } public String onEditAjax(String treeViewId, String treeNodeId, String oldValue, String newValue, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Do something.... return newValue; } public String onDropAjax(String treeViewDragId, String treeViewDropId, String treeNodeDragId, String treeNodeDropId, String sibling, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Do something.... return null; } }
Don't forget to declare your Servlet in your web.xml, like this :
<servlet> <servlet-name>ajaxtreeview</servlet-name> <servlet-class>net.sourceforge.jscontrolstags.usecases.servlet.AjaxTreeviewServlet</servlet-class> </servlet>
After in the taglib jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view, fill baseUrl, like this :
<jscontrols-ajax:treeview-view source="viewTreeview" baseUrl="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/ajaxtreeview" ....