Click here to see Slider Demo.
JSControlsTags Slider extends basic sriptaculous slider, to
jscontrols:slider taglib manage slider on client side. Here JSP code of this example :
<input name="textBoxSliderValue" id="textBoxSliderValue" type="text" > <div id="sliderContainer" ></div> <jscontrols:slider var="slider" source="sliderContainer" trackClassName="sliderTrack" trackClassName2="sliderTrack2" handlesClassName="sliderHandle" sliderValue="0.4" textBox="textBoxSliderValue" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
var | Name of the JavaScript object slider created. | no |
source | HTML div ID, where slider must be inserted. | yes |
trackClassName | Class name for DIV track slider | yes |
trackClassName2 | Class name for second DIV track slider (when you want manage 2 pictures) | no |
trackWidth | Track width of slider. This value will be used to set a CSS style="width:trackWidth" for the track div. | no |
trackHeight | Track height of slider. This value will be used to set a CSS style="height:trackHeight" for the track div. | no |
handlesClassName | Class name for DIV handle slider. If there are several class name (split with ,), there will be serveral handle. | yes |
handlesWidth | Handle width of slider. | no |
handlesHeight | Handle height of slider. | no |
axis | values available are horizontal or vertival. | no |
range | Range of slider. | no |
sliderValue | Set value for slider, if defaultValue is a valid double. If there is several handle set an Array with value like this : [0.1,0.4] | no |
textBox | Id of HTML input if slider must be synchronize with slider. | no |
onChange | Event fired when slider value is changed. | no |
onSlide | Event fired while handle is sliding. | no |
jscontrols-ajax:slider taglib manage slider on server side. Here JSP code of ajax slider usecase :
<input name="textBoxSliderValue" id="textBoxSliderValue" type="text"> <div id="sliderContainer" ></div> <jscontrols-ajax:slider var="ajaxSlider" source="sliderContainer" baseUrl="${contextPath}/" parameters="operator1={operator1},intervalMax1={intervalMax1},operator2={operator2},intervalMax2={intervalMax2}" trackClassName="sliderTrack" trackClassName2="sliderTrack2" handlesClassName="sliderHandle" sliderValue="0.5" textBox="textBoxSliderValue" sucessFunction="updatePageWithCalculatorResult" postFunction="stopWorkInProcess" preFunction="startWorkInProcess" errorFunction="ajaxError" />
In this usecase, the url (baseUrl) server return JSON notation. sucessFunction is the javascript function which get result of server and display it.
Parameter | Description | Required |
var | Name of the JavaScript object slider created. | no |
source | HTML div ID, where slider must be inserted. | yes |
trackClassName | Class name for DIV track slider | yes |
trackClassName2 | Class name for second DIV track slider (when you want manage 2 pictures) | no |
trackWidth | Track width of slider. This value will be used to set a CSS style="width:trackWidth" for the track div. | no |
trackHeight | Track height of slider. This value will be used to set a CSS style="height:trackHeight" for the track div. | no |
handlesClassName | Class name for DIV handle slider. If there are several class name (split with ,), there will be serveral handle. | yes |
handlesWidth | Handle width of slider. | no |
handlesHeight | Handle height of slider. | no |
axis | values available are horizontal or vertival. | no |
range | Range of slider. | no |
sliderValue | Set value for slider, if defaultValue is a valid double. If there is several handle set an Array with value like this : [0.1,0.4] | no |
textBox | Id of HTML input if slider must be synchronize with slider. | no |
onSlide | Event fired while handle is sliding. | no |
baseUrl | URL of server-side action or servlet that processes a simple command. | yes |
parameters | A comma-separated list of parameters to pass to the server-side action or servlet. | no |
sucessFunction | Function to execute when AJAX slider action returns JSONArray. | yes |
postFunction | Function to execute after Ajax is finished, allowing for a chain of additional functions to execute. | no |
preFunction | Function to execute before Ajax is begun. Return false if Slider must not fire Ajax request. | no |
errorFunction | Function to execute if there is a server exception (non-200 HTTP response) | no |
On server side, you can implement BaseSliderAction and return JSON result of your POJO :
if you have a POJO like this :
public class MyPOJO { private String value; public String getValue() { return this.value; } }
public class AjaxCalculatorSliderAction extends BaseSliderAction { public String getJSONContent(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String sliderValue = getSliderValue(request); if (sliderValue != null) { // Excecute your calcul and prepare POJO to returns MyPOJO myPOJO1 = ... MyPOJO myPOJO2 = ... /** * Return two JSON result */ return new JSONBuilder() .addJSONContent(myPOJO1) .addJSONContent(myPOJO2) .toString(); } return null; } }
if there is no error your callack javascript successFuction will be called :
function updatePageWithCalculatorResult(JSONArray) { var myPOJO1 = JSONArray[0]; var myPOJO2 = JSONArray[1]; // Display value of POJOs alert(myPOJO1.value); alert(myPOJO2.value); }