JSControlsTags.Autocomplete usecase
This is a usecase for mathematical functions (cos, sin, parameter,...) with
Keyword your formula (eg : cos(5) + sin(6),...) Type a letter (c, e,...) into textbox to select an item. On each tokens ('+','/','*','-') found, list of item appears whith letter keyword.
When an item is selected a custom function
is called to display keyword and description selected.
You can stop the selection of item which checkbox
Stop selection
Optionnal parameters
is used to configure JSControlsTags.Autocomplete
Stop selection :
Optionnal parameters
maxItems :
Max items to displayed into the list. If number of items found is more greater than maxItems, scrollbar appears on left of the list.
ignoreCase (true/false):
Whether to ignore case when autocompleting. Defaults to true.
fullSearch (true/false):
Search anywhere in autocomplete array strings.
tokens :
new Array(
frequency :
Frequency to launch search when user type a character.
minChars :
Minimum number of characters needed before autocomplete is executed.